Shanty Boat
Design: Harry Bryan
Shanty Boat er bådebygger og -designer Harry Bryans egen drøm.
Den lille husbåd blev udtænkt mens han var på jordomsejling med sin familie.
Her er Harry Bryans egne ord om bådens tilblivelse:
Near the end of our three-year, world-roaming cruise in PATIENCE, a 36' ketch launched in 1988, my family and I conceived a shantyboat. I had come to the conclusion that, for my family, much of the joy of cruising came from living in a small space where our needs for shelter and comfort were kept to the essentials. The endless list of chores to be done around the house did not exist. Gone, too, was the “need” (or even the possibility) of going to meetings, the mall, or the myriad other places we go when we get in the car and enter the crazy, stressful world of roads and traffic.
After the cruise was over, we thought we could continue to experience much of its value by building a cabin that floated on the simplest form of hull. To emphasize the intended simplicity of the structure and its contents, we would call it a “shantyboat” instead of a houseboat. There would be no inboard engine, no generator, and certainly no television.
During part of our voyage, we had cruised along the Intracoastal Waterway on the Eastern Seaboard of the United States and had passed countless lagoons, creeks, and bays too shallow for most hulls. Thus, these places offered uncrowded tranquility to anything draw- ing less than a foot of water—the perfect setting for a barge-like hull. We pictured a crisp fall day, sparkling and blue, with an exhilarating chill to the northwest breeze. Our shantyboat, swinging to the anchor, would provide a sunny lee for the cockpit deck chair while the woodstove inside would keep the coffee hot.
Den perfekte jolle til at fragte folk til og fra en Shanty Boat er Harry Bryans trillebørsbåd Ladybug.
Hvis du vil vide mere om Shanty Boat, er der en flot illustreret 6-siders artikel om den i WoodenBoat magazine nr 224.
Kontakt mig, hvis du vil vide mere om Shanty Boat, eller hvis du er interesseret i et uforpligtende prisoverslag. Du kan også læse mere om byggeprocessen for en håndbygget træbåd.
Længde: 6,10 m
Bredde: 3,12 m
Fremdrift: Udenbordsmotor, 8-20HK
“Simplicity afloat is the surest guarantee of happiness”